
Stat Type
Category Title Slug Sort ascending Lists
Thaum_Paths Whispers of the Heavens whispers_of_the_heavens assamite_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Weather Control weather_control thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Wind way_of_wind koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Water way_of_water koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Spirit way_of_spirit koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Sorrow way_of_sorrow koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Fire way_of_fire koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Way of Earth way_of_earth koldunic_sorcery_paths
Thaum_Paths Vitreous vitreous
Thaum_Paths Vine of Dionysus vine_of_dionysus thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Transmutation transmutation thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Technomancy technomancy thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Spirit Manipulation spirit_manipulation thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Spirit spirit
Thaum_Paths Snake Inside snake_inside
Thaum_Paths Shadowcrafting shadowcrafting thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Sepulchre sepulchre necromancy_paths
Thaum_Paths Praapti praapti
Thaum_Paths Oneiromancy oneiromancy thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Neptune's Might neptunes_might thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Movement of the Mind movement_of_the_mind thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Mortuus mortuus necromancy_paths
Thaum_Paths Mastery of the Mortal Shell mastery_of_the_mortal_shell thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Mars mars thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Lure of Flames lure_of_flames thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Levinbolt levinbolt thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Immanence of Set immanence_of_set
Thaum_Paths Hunter's Winds hunters_winds
Thaum_Paths Hearth hearth thaumaturgy_paths
Thaum_Paths Hands of Destruction hands_of_destruction thaumaturgy_paths