
Category Title Slug Sort descending Lists
Gifts Stonework stonework bastet_gifts, pumonca_2
Gifts Storm of Pests storm_of_pests bastet_gifts, balam_1
Gifts Strength of Will strength_of_will bastet_gifts, ahroun_5, khan_5
Gifts Sweet Hunter's Smile sweet_hunters_smile bastet_gifts, bastet_homid_1
Gifts The Hungry Earth the_hungry_earth bastet_gifts, pumonca_4
Gifts The Thousand Forms the_thousand_forms bastet_gifts, black_furies_5, swara_5
Gifts Thousand-Thunder Strike thousand-thunder_strike bastet_gifts, khan_5
Gifts Thunderbird's Cry thunderbirds_cry bastet_gifts, pumonca_5
Gifts Thunderbolt thunderbolt bastet_gifts, pumonca_3
Gifts Touch of the Tree-Frog touch_of_the_tree-frog bastet_gifts, balam_3
Gifts Trackless Waste trackless_waste bastet_gifts, balam_3
Gifts Treeclimber treeclimber bastet_gifts, bastet_1, bagheera_1
Gifts Turned Fur turned_fur bastet_gifts, qualmi_1
Gifts Underbelly underbelly bastet_gifts, feline_3
Gifts Vision Cloud vision_cloud bastet_gifts, balam_4
Gifts Walking Between Worlds walking_between_worlds bastet_gifts, bastet_4, swara_2
Gifts Wanderer's Boon wanderers_boon bastet_gifts, pumonca_1, qualmi_1
Gifts Water's Vision waters_vision bastet_gifts, qualmi_5
Gifts Weight of a Heart weight_of_a_heart bastet_gifts, swara_2
Gifts What's the Password whats_the_password bastet_gifts, bastet_homid_4
Gifts Whisker Sight whisker_sight bastet_gifts, feline_3, bastet_metis_2
Gifts Wind from the West wind_from_the_west bastet_gifts, qualmi_2
Gifts Withering Stare withering_stare bastet_gifts, bastet_5
Gifts Wrath of Nala wrath_of_nala bastet_gifts, bastet_metis_5