Severed Hand

Used during the Dark Ages, this ritual was used as punishment for Cainites who did not deserve destruction. In Muslim countries, crimes of theft would be addressed by cutting off the offender's hand. Because of the great healing abilities of vampires, threat of this punishment did not carry the grave penalty it had for mortals. This ritual prevents a severed body part from healing normally. Although a severed hand was the most common appendage removed, this ritual can effect eyes, fingers, tongues and other body parts. The most important component is the severed anatomy of the subject, which is why this ritual is almost always performed at the maiming.
This ritual takes an entire night to perform, during which time the wound is treated with different alchemical compounds to prevent the regeneration process. although the health levels can heal in the normal way. the severed body part is unable to be restored to its former condition without magical healing (such as Obeah).
Thaumaturgy 5
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