Rebirth of Mortal Vanity

This ritual allows a vampire to grow her hair again. For every inch of hair the thaumaturge wishes to grow, she must pluck one hair from the head of a human child. She places them on a mirror and looks down into the mirror while mutely gesturing over it, inscribing glyphs into the air. As her hair begins to grow, the mirror absorbs the hairs on its surface. Once the ritual is complete, the vampire’s hair follicles die again, but the hair remains at the new length until cut. This ritual may be cast on another Kindred, but the recipient must pluck the hairs himself, and both caster and recipient must stand over the mirror during the ceremony. System: The number of successes determines how rapidly the vampire's hair grows. With one success, it takes 10 minutes for each inch of hair, whereas at 5 successes, the hair seems to pour forth from the subject's scalp, growing up to a foot in under a minute. If the hair is ever cut shorter then it was at the time of the vampire's Embrace, it will return to its original length the next night. A vampire who was bald in life will remain so in undeath; his hair simply does not grow, though some speculate a more powerful version of this ritual exits for the truly vain among the undead touched by baldness. Rarity: Tremere = Uncommon | Other = Uncommon
Thaumaturgy 1
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