Telepathic Sensing

Telepathic Sensing is the ability to read minds. The telepath must be able to sense the target to read the target's mind (physical line of sight). The power is rarely so simple as reading text from a book, though- rather, a telepath senses impressions and, with experience, learns to pick out subtexts, streams of consciousness, motives, and eventually the sort of inner monologue or impulse that often drives a subject.
Roll: Intelligence+Empathy, difficulty of the target's Willpower. Successes determine duration and accuracy; one success might grab a few words or impressions that relate in some way to an interesting topic. Three successes give a good several turns of useful information. Five successes allow the telepath to retrieve specific thoughts or memories. * The telepath can feel basic emotions and sense the current mood of the target. ** The telepath can now read the surface thoughts of people, generally what they're thinking about at that moment. *** The telepath can read recent memories or plans for the near future from people's minds. **** The character can read deep thoughts and distant future plans. The amount of information he gets depends on the number of successes. ***** The character can discover the deepest secrets of people, even things unknown to the target or repressed by him.
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