
Most psychics can turn their paranormal abilities outwards, sensing things beyond normal perceptions or controlling them with their wills. Other psychics, like those with BioControl, can turn their powers inward and regulate their autonomic nervous systems.
1) Self Control. The psychic has the power over his body to a basic degree and, by entering a self-induced hypnotic state, he controls basic functions. The psychic cannot perform any other actions during this trance. 2) Self Healing. The psychic can, by maintaining his internal focus over a long period of time, accelerate the healing process. Read: reknit flesh wounds (one to two levels of NON-AGG damage) and fight off infections. 3) Hysterical Strength. The psychic gains control of their adrenal glands, allowing brief periods of 'hysterical' strength and speed. The effect lasts one scene. 4) Ignore Pain Response. The psychic has the ability to shut off his pain centers for a brief period of time. This does not heal any damage, though it does let him function while injured. All wound levels must be healed for the psychic to use this again after combat. 5) Mind Over Matter. Bodily control is complete. At will, he can stop his own heart, suspend the need for oxygen, regulate digestive functions, control the immune system and accelerate or suppress cell growth, regeneration or processing. In effect, the psychic can direct her body consciously to perform feats of biology almost as if her cells responded individually to her mind. Nullify most toxins except in huge doses, fight off disease, allergens, irritants, control pain for severe contortions, actively redirect toxins. SYSTEM: Level 1: Stamina+Meditation vs 6. Level 2: Stamina+Meditation vs 7. You need three succs to heal two non-agg damage. You MUST be a restful place while this is done and you can only use it once per 72 hours. Level 3: Stamina+Meditation vs 8. Every two succs gives the character one point towards ONE of the physical attributes at a max of five. After the effects subside (one scene), you need to roll a soak vs 6 at bashing damage. Level 4: Stamina+Meditation vs 7. Every success allows the psychic to ignore one die of wound penalties for one scene. Level 5: Stamina+Meditation vs 8. The succs determine the maximum number of dice that the psychic can use to soak lethal or agg damage (not counting armor or other external modifiers).
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