
There is safety in numbers, or so you've been told. The Doppelganger Gift helps a Ratkin imitate another person. The Treppelganger Gift splits you into a gang of little Ratkin. They must all stay within the immediate area, but they can also coordinate their actions based upon your though).
Roll Intelligence + Performance; for each success you obtain, this Gift remains active for one turn. Each turn, you can split one little nine-inch Crinos off the side of your body. You may form up to three little 'gangsters,' and you must spend a point of Gnosis for each one. This continues until they are all complete or you stop forming them. When the last little one is formed, you shrink down to the same size. All members of the gang act on the same initiative. A gangster may only make one attack each turn. They cannot use any of your Gifts, and they cannot join in the Gift: Pack Attack; they're all extensions of you. These tiny ratlings can scurry through a number of yards equal to their Dexterity each turn. They can make amazing vertical leaps, jumping onto tables, chairs, shelves and drawers when necessary. At the end of the combat, all of the little critters reform a big Crinos rat again. Although they look like little Crinos wererats, they're actually weaker. In Treppelganger form, each one has Strength +1, Dexterity +2 and Stamina-1. These little rugrats are cute, though: they get Charisma +2 and Appearance +2. When you shrink down, you have the same traits.
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