Sense Limits


The Garou can determine approximately the amount of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower within an individual. This ability enables the Garou to judge whether or not her target can resist an attempt to influence her actions or whether she is likely to draw upon her supply of Gnosis or Rage. This Gift also allows a Garou to gauge whether or not other supernaturals are currently weak-willed or drained of some other source of power. For example, a Garou may be able to tell that a vampire has little power but may not realise that the Leech's blood supply is low. This Gift also enables a Garou to sense whether an Umbral spirit's Power is weak or near depletion.


The player rolls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). Each success enables the character to determine the general levels of Rage, Gnosis and Willpower for one targetted individual. Additional successes allow the character access to more specific information about a single target or else gives her general information about another target. The Storyteller should not give the player precise numbers, but should relay information in relative terms ('The Black Spiral Dancer has used most of his Rage but still has a lot of Willpower and Gnosis left', 'The mage has plenty of magical energy left inside her'). Taught by: Lu-Bat

LStat Lists