Renew the Cycle


One of the most potent powers available to the Garou, this gift allows the correction of a grievous wrong to the natural cycle of Gaia. The undead, whose very existence is an affront to the natural order of things, wither and crumble to dust when struck by the power of this gift. Whether the undead is a shambling, month old animated corpse or an ancient vampire, the Fang can destroy it with but a glance. Only an avatar of Helios or Gaia Herself can teach this gift.


The Garou and the victim enter into a resisted contest of Gnosis versus Willpower both diff 8. The Garou must then spend three permanent Gnosis points to activate the wrath of Gaia. If the Garou wins the contest, the vampire (or other undead) is reduced to its natural state: Elder vampires turn to dust, whereas freshly exhumed corpses simple lose their animation. This gift forces mummies into a dead season of sleep but does not destroy them.

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