Hummingbird Dart

This Gift is most often utilized in conjunction with Razor Feathers, in which case it makes for a devastating weapon. Hummingbird Dart permits a Corax to pluck one of her own feathers and throw it like (as one might guess) a dart. The feather flies straight and true, unencumbered by anything so petty as the laws of physics and the strictures of aerodynamics. A Hummingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.
The Hummingbird Dart requires that the Corax spend a point of Rage and then roll Dexterity + Melee (difficulty 5). If a Corax chooses to use this Gift after calling for Razor Feathers, the results can be vicious. A Razored Hummingbird Dart is, in essence, a throwing shiv that does aggravated damage, and should be treated accordingly. The thrown feather Dexterity +3 dice of damage.
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