Command Metis

Ratkin metis act as lackeys to the rodens who dominate colony politics. Should one become disobedient, a high-ranking Ratkin can force him to obey his will.
Spend one Gnosis and roll Charisma + Leadership (the difficulty is the metis' Willpower); the number of words in your command must equal the number of successes. Your command must be a complete sentence (including imperatives); one success means your command is one verb. By the way, this ability cannot be used on a Ratkin metis who is of a higher rank than you are, or on a metis in frenzy! The effects last for one scene; if the action strongly goes againsr the metis' character, the Storyteller may allow a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) to modify the command. This cannot, however, override the metis' survival instincts.
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