Call to Allies


Asia is crisscrossed with supernatural allegiances and rivalries, old scores and old debts. Parts of this web on like 'sides' can call on each other in times of danger or crisis. This Gift is the Kitsune's ultimate distress call. Her Batsu, Clan, and sentai will certainly hear and feel it, but it will also affect unknown allies and friendly neutrals in the area. (It's even possible for a Fox to Call to Allies and bring down a horde of Kuei-jin vampires upon the enemy, strange as that would seem to her Garou cousins.) Local spirits, shen and tuned-in mortals sense the Fox's distress or pain and hear her voice, growl, scream (or death rattle) for a moment. The imperiled Fox's location is clear to them, and the beacon of her fear and Rage will become brighter the closer the rescuer approaches. What each entity receiving the call does is entirely up to them -- spirits that are tied to a location may do what they can from where they are, neutrals who wish to remain so will, and hengeyokai who choose to ignore can. However, because the shen you rescue today may save _you_ tomorrow, most who do hear will act. The situation must be very grave indeed for the Kitsune to make such a request; false alarms anger spirits and shen alike. This Gift is taught by an ancestor-spirit.


Call to Allies costs nothing and the Kitsune need not roll.

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