Beautiful Lie

Description: When the Veil is endangered, Gaia protects the minds of the innocent with the Delirium, granting false memories and delusions. Since Black Spirals commit particularly grisly crimes, they can use this Gift to channel the Delirium, producting further misdirection or even summoning false evidence to cover up their activities.
System: A Black Spiral observing a particularly unsubtle crime may attempt to cover it up with a 'beautiful lie'. He begins to chant a story of what humans nearby are actually seeing. The Dancer spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Wits+Subterfuge; the difficulty is 6 (as long as the story is vaguely plausible). Mass delusions follow, and ephemeral evidence (e.g. animal footprints, a bloody chainsaw, saliva from a rabid dog) remains for an entire hour to obfuscate the truth.
Rank 4, Black Spiral Dancer