
You've got something of a good reputation within the Cainite community. The more Status you have, the more influence you have; your permanent status also reflects the number of status traits you can have. You can have more status than you have traits, or, if your only trait is proven or acknowledged, you can feasibly end up with less status than your traits would normally allow for. (Note that there are certain specific status traits, such as hunted, marked for death, suspected, and innocent which can be had without it reflecting in your permanent status trait - ie, if you have a max of 3, and 3 status traits already, you can still pick up one of these traits without picking up another permanent status point.)
-1: You are a pariah. No one wants to meet with you, no one wants to talk to you, and anyone with a positive status (1 or better) who does will rapidly find their own status sliding. Usually you don't hit negative unless you've really screwed up. 0: Usually no more than 1 status trait (Acknowledged if Camarilla; Proven if Sabbat) and no influence - while you're not quite a pariah, you're certainly not on anyone's A lists and most people with an influence of 2 or greater won't even talk to you. People who do associate with you are likely to start finding themselves shunned as well. 1: 1 status trait, usually Acknowledged (Camarilla), or Proven (Sabbat). You pay your taxes and occasionally remember to vote. 2: 2 status traits. Primogen, pack leaders, the Elysium keeper, sheriffs, and Black Hand members have 2 as a base. 3: 3 status traits max. Black Hand Removers, Sabbat Priests, the Primogen in charge of the Elysium, have 3 base. 4: 4 status traits max. Archons, Bishops, and Princes have this as a minimum base. 5: 5 status traits max.
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