Occult Library

You possess a libary of occult materials. If you are a Tremere, chances are it's got Thaumaturgy-relevant items in it. If you are not a Tremere, chances are it doesn't - and if you want it to, you'd better put some real effort into explaining why. Sacrificing virgin white goats is a good start....
1: A variety of books, with up to 5 'levels' in rituals, and 3 in paths (IE, you could have five level 1 rituals, or one level 5, and information on the first level of 3 paths, or information on one path up to 3). 2: 10 levels in rituals, 6 in paths. 3: 15 levels in rituals, 9 in paths. 1 or 2 books on vampire lore, no more than 3 dots total knowledge. 4: 20 levels in rituals, 12 in paths, a few texts on vampiric history (lore: vampire, inconnu, your specific sect, 5 dots total). 5: 25 levels in rituals, 15 in paths, a possible fragment of the Book of Nod, and a wide variety of lore information (all the vampiric lores, 10 dots total across them, some limits imposed). Contact Vampire staff to get this fleshed out and approved. Note that Library information is RANDOMLY generated.
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