Lore Technocracy


This lore represents knowledge of the Technocratic Union as a whole, it's history, social structure, typical goals and affinities. This Lore differs from Mage Lore in the sense that it represents an 'insider' understanding of the Union. It covers deep knowledge of one's Convention and cursory knowledge of the other Conventions. It covers etiquette, protocols, moral/ethical codes (Precepts of Damien) and to an extent who''s who among Union mages and your Convention. It also covers knowledge about what your Convention is doing in LATMA and the world abroad, where to find them and how to recognize them if you aren't sure.


1 - You have a new operatives understanding of your Convention and very little knowledge about Union at large. 2 - You have a solid basic understanding of your Convention and of the Union. You have a basic understanding of the rules, laws and culture and know how to navigate it with little help or embarrassment. 3 - You have a sophisticated understanding of your Convention and the Union. You have a sophisticated understanding of the rules, laws and cultures with in your faction and know how to navigate society with ease. This level grants a certain level of basic insider information. 4 - You have a deep understanding of your Convention and the Union, as well as a deep knowledge of it's history and goals. You are privy to insider information that most are not. 5 - There is very little about your Convention or the Union that you don't know. You are likely a major decision maker for your Convention and the Union in general.

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