Pretanic Talisman


Spirit: One of the Ninety-Nine servitors of the Wyrm 1-5 Charges


This occult talisman is an actual physical key containing one of the Ninety-nine names of the Wyrm's servitors. This talen is useful for Black Spirals who wish to call up a 'deity' without serving as its bastard. By meditating upon the artifact, the occultist bearing it may attempt to open a gate between a Malfean realm and the physical world. The key has a limited number of charges, usually between one and five.%r%tActivating the talen requires at least four points of temporary Gnosis and a roll against permanent Gnosis. The difficulty depends on the importance of the entity (e.g., 5 for a Bane, but 9 for a Bane-totem). If the roll is botched, a Nexus Crawler - one of 'Those Who Watch the Gates' - arrives to correct any rifts in the spirit world that may result. Many keys have been lost or transferred between occultists (or dimensions) in this manner.

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