The Unbreakable Heart


The Unbreakable heart was originally from Europe, centered primary in Spain, France and Italy. They had a rough time in Europe and were among the first to move to the new world. As Europeans settled in the Midwest and Canada, the house was in the front lines carving out lands for their own. This sometimes brought them into the lands of the native Red Talons and Wendigo, but the enmity apparently cooled with time. The houses main purpose was to be a broker between Silver Fangs and the other tribes. The House did the unthinkable once settled down and focused on the Urban centers. In the 20th century they ran successful businesses in major metropolitan areas throughout Canada and the Midwest. Its an earthy house, and this has gained them genuine respect among the other tribes. Once the most solid and reliable of the Seven houses, in the late 20th century the house was in grave peril. Attacks from an unknown source strikes out against them, rumours say its wyrm-mages, or even unseelie fae that is responsible. And where the house once had a strong alliance with Wyrmfoe and Wise Heart it turned its borders shut to protect itself.

Silver Fang
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