

Wendigo is the beast of snow and ice, the marauder of the frozen northern lans. It is a cannibal spirit, devouring the hearts of its does, but it is too much of the Wyld to be tainted by the Wyrm. Wendigo teaches the Garou how to use the wild tactics of the storm in battle. It also teaches them to harness the cold bitterness within them, turning it into murderous rage.


Each pack member gains five Rage points per story, regardless of their actual Rage rating; thus, Children of the Wendigo can have more Rage points to spend than their ratings may allow. Each pack member also gains two points of Glory. The Wendigo tribe does not automatically trust Children of the Wendigo; it is often too wild and unpredictable for sound judgement. Wendigo asks that its Children always aid nativce peoples when they are in trouble.

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