
Most shapeshifters possess Rage, an inner predatory fury which they can express in outbursts of unnatural speed, but which keeps them separate from humanity. The greater a shapeshifter's Rage, the more uncomfortable most humans will be around them, sensing the hunter in their midst.
Humans react with instinctive wariness to shapeshifters with Rage higher than their own willpower. Rage 7+ causes the individual to show up as tainted on a Sense Wyrm check. Garou are limited in what sorts of actions they can take during 'additional' actions provided by their Rage. Garou may take one (1) mental action per turn, period. The remaining actions must be physical. It doesn't matter what order you choose to do them in. Example: You spent three rage for actions, giving you a total of four actions for the current turn. You decide to attack for your first three actions, but opt to use command spirit for your fourth. Gifts such as Spirit of the Fray are automatic (requiring no activation) and don't require an action. You cannot split your dice pools during Rage actions. Additional use of gifts during Rage turns is only appropriate with regard to movement, contact, and/or physically oriented gifts (visceral agony for example).
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