Entropic Taint

All Mages start with 'Entropic Taint' of 0, and move up the scale towards 10 by committing certain actions through the use of magick. There is no saving roll; this is automatic, permanent, and irreversible: Those who use magick to increase chaos are irredeemably tainted by it. 0 -- Accidental injury of any person, or accidental destruction of property 1 -- Purposeful injury of or theft from any person, or purposeful destruction of property 2 -- Accidental injury of an innocent 3 -- Purposeful injury of or theft from an innocent 4 -- Accidental death of any person 5 -- Purposeful death of any person or accidental death of an innocent 6 -- Purposeful death of an innocent 7 -- The destruction of an individual's soul or mind 8 -- Gilgul 9 -- Turning one's self to the Nephandi 10 -- Turning another to the Nephandi There is no implication here that the Mage in any way feels 'bad' about these things- Mages do not have Humanity, and this is not an attempt to add it. A Mage will certainly have morals left over from before his Awakening, but that is outside the scope of this system. In all cases, 'innocent' means that the player is not acting out of self-defense or any other form of reasonable revenge/vendetta- an innocent is someone who was targeted unjustly; a bystander, or a random target (or any target of a serial killer). Entropic Taint is not something the Mage can feel, or something that directly affects him. It is not Humanity- it's the reverberating echo of his past actions, whether in the service of 'good' or 'evil.' High entropic taint would not stop Ascension- nor, conversely- would low entropic taint prevent the Mage from turning to the Nephandi.
Using magick to perform any action associated with the Mage's current 'entropic taint' level or higher results in an automatic gain of one point of Entropic Taint. If the action is associated with a level five higher than the Mage's current 'entropic taint' level, the increase is instead +2. The mage performing such actions, or persons witnessing such actions, should open a +Request to report them (including logs, if it is not the Mage himself reporting the occurance.)
Race: Mage
LStat Lists