Loyal Pack


The Silver Fangs do, despite claims to the contrary, understand that leadership is a two-way street. A leader needs respect from those that follow him if he (and they) wish to succeed. Usually, only packs that have been working together for some time and who trust each other enough to further cement those bonds perform this rite. The rite makes the whole pack's focus and commitment dependent on the pack alpha. In effect, they submit completely to him, in the hope of gaining an advantage from it if he is committed to working for the benefit of all. Each member of the pack must take a small item of personal significance and a length of his or her own hair and give it to the ritemaster. She then binds together all the objects using the hairs and buries the bundle within the pack's home caern.


The player of the werewolf enacting the Rite rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 9 - the pack Alpha's Leadership). If the roll succeeds, the entire pack gains two extra points of Willpower per chapter as long as the pack alpha is acting in the best interests of the whole pack. However, if the alpha has not been doing so, the entire pack loses two points of Willpower for the chapter. The gain or loss is entirely at the Storyteller's discretion. Should the pack alpha change, the rite's effects immediately end.

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