
Taghairms are gatherings of trust; if someone breaks that trust, the others throw him out. The rite marks such betrayals, and carries the stigma of shame to other gatherings. A werecat's future companions may judge him by this sign. As the ritespeaker spins a cloak of words, the exile's forehead begins to glow; by the end of the rite, the sigil of an oathbreaker appears. As the glow fades, the sigil remains and the other cats chase the offender from their gathering. If they catch him, they'll beat him to a pulp, but leave him alive to remember his shame. The mark fades from view by morning, but remains part of the exile's soul. Any subsequent Grooming rite reveals the mark; only the forgiveness of the host (a separate rite of the same Rank) or some powerful quest will wash away the mark.
The ritespeaker makes a Charisma+Rituals roll, difficulty 7, and spends a point of Rage to apply the brand. Some Gifts, like Sense Truth and Righteous Gaze expose the mark to the viewer. An Exile loses all Honor and Wisdom Renown. Sometimes, falsely convicted (or powerful) Bastet can get help from supporters or sympathetic parties; more often, the effects of this rite last a lifetime.
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