Battle Blessing

The Rite of Battle Blessing is one of the big 'uns, but don't expect to learn it any time soon. The only three who know this one are the members of the Morrigan, and they don't exactly go around spouting off trade secrets. I only know a little bit about how this one works, but that's scary enough for me. It seems that if the Morrigan decide they want to help one side in a battle out (usually the Fianna, in case you were wondering), they haul this golden oldie out. All three fly over the battle. croaking out battle-song, and it puts the fear of Morrigu into whichever side the three ladies don't like. It's astonishing to watch entire armies have broken and fled after hearing the chants of this rite. Mind you, this one's tough to do, and the Morrigan don't use it lightly. However, when they do uncork it, the effects are devastating.
All three of the Morrigan must be present to perform this rite. To enact the rite, each member of the Morrigan can spend Gnosis up to her Occult rating. For each point of Gnosis spent, the victims of the rite lose one die from their Dice Pools so long as they remain on the field of battle. Targets can literally be reduced to zero dice by this rite.
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