The fomor can secrete a venom which turns the victim's body into a malleable mass. It can be stretched like taffy, kneaded like dough, or molded like clay. The pathetic flappings and indecipherable mewlings of a once-proud Garou, as he begs for a fast death, is a sad sight indeed. Malleate only affects living tissue.
The fomor must inflict damage onto the target with a natural piercing attack (fangs, stinger, etc.) and spend one Willpower point. If the fomor has no such natural weaponry, his bite will do Strength -1 damage (difficulty 5). Each turn after being bitten, the victim will suffer one Health Level of aggravated damage which may not be soaked. This venom works its way into his system for one turn per point of damage the fomor initially inflicted (the amount rolled, not the number of Health Levels actually inflicted after the victim's soak). With the first level of damage caused by the venom, the victim's body becomes highly malleable. If the victim reaches Incapacitated, he may still move ubut he has no fine motor control. Once all Health Levels inflicted by the venom heal, the victim returns to normal. The Gift: Resist Toxin, Gift: Doppleganger and Gift: Adaptation allow Garou to resist this Power.