

The fomor can mask her own Wyrm taint for a turn. With a touch, she can even mask or falsify another's corruption, but only if she has a talent for subterfuge.


The fomor must touch her target; roll Dexterity + Athletics. If successful, spend one Willpower on the same turn and roll Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). A fomor masking her own Wyrm taint needs one success; masking someone else’s corruption (such a vampire's low Humanity or a Black Spiral's true nature) takes three; falsifying corruption (making a heroic Silver Fang smell “of the Wyrm”) requires five. Any supernatural creature can see through this deception with a contested Perception + Occult roll; add three successes if a Garou's Gift, vampire's Discipline, or mage's magick can be used to perceive or interpret the supernatural.

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