
Procedures in the Watchers are based on surveillance, media, and communications. Their primary tasks include monitoring for crimes against Reality, manufacturing the consent of the Masses, and working with amalgams to locate and neutralize random elements in Reality.%r%tSympathizers to the Watchers work within mundane television and radio statoins, as well as within telephone companies and other communications organizations. Most have limited knowledge of the Union, and some only partialy realize the role they play in the war effort. Other sympathizers assist in the production of media. The process of manufacturing media - making a film, manipulating an image, producing a television program, 'electronic news gathering,' or addressing an audience over the radio - is a process of transferring a message. As Marshal McLuhan has said, 'The medium is the message,' and as such, the language of a technological medium can easily become a process for a Technocratic message. Sympathizers assist with the menial tasks of production, freeing the Enlightened to carry out their duties. Dutiful sympathizers are promoted to positions where they, too, can help create Our Reality.
New World Order