Green Leaper

Gnosis: 4 A Green Leaper is nothing more than a roughly frog-shaped lump of moss. It's quite fragile, and must be kept moist lest it crumble to dust. However, when a Garou concentrates and turns the Leaper loose, it suddenly looks much more frog-1ike and indeed becomes animate, leaping from surface to surface in a random pattern. This includes living creatures, and more than one Pentex goon has been unnerved by the sight of verdant growth emerging from his gun hand as he watches.
Where the Leaper lands, a patch of moss immediately starts growing. While this may not seem like much, a sudden lush outgrowth of moss can play havoc with electronics, computer equipment and so forth. The moss is easily removed, and the Leaper reverts to its original, inanimate state after six turns. However, it can jump up to a dozen times within the space of a single turn, leaving quite a mess behind it. On rare occasions (and with the expenditure of an extra point of Gnosis), the patch of moss the Leaper leaves behind starts to spread rapidly. This fact has produced a favored monkeywrenching tactic; shoving overcharged Leapers under the door into server or control rooms and turning them loose. Within minutes, the entire room is liable to be covered in a thick growth of soft moss, which needless to say, doesn't do the equipment any good at all.
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