
Gnosis: 6 While it's not necessarily the most attentive member of the Trial, the Wyld does keep up with the times. It also, if this fetish is any indication, possesses a mediocre-to-poor sense of humor. Ded Bugz are almost exactly what their name would suggest, insect cadavers tucked into grass-and-straw versions of themselves. (Purists suggest that this is related to the custom of the wicker man; cynics note that it's difficult to carry around dead bugs without squashing them beyond recognition. The Wyld itself is mum on the matter) No more than an inch or two long, these fragile contraptions nonetheless can be quite effective.
A Ded Bug randomizes numbers and fries systems. It's excellent for wiping disks and otherwise making computer equipment emphatically unserviceable. The Bug does not emit an electromagnetic pulse. Rather, it tells all of the local ones and zeroes that they have the opportunity to mix themselves up again, as it were, effectively fragging any sort of storage medium. All that's required for this effect is for the Garou possessing the Ded Bug to place it on top of the system, disc or other item she wants randomized, and then to concentrate on the target item. The one caveat is that the Ded Bug must be in perfect condition for it to function, which means that the Garou toting this item around must he extremely cautious. Ded Bugz do not, however, work on living tissue, though trying to fry someone's mind with one is a good way to get various Wyld-spirits very irritated.
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