Broken Silence

You see a freshly cut twig, perhaps four inches in length.
The effect of this talen is the same as the Rank 2 Shadow Lord Gift, Clap of Thunder. The sound spirit is released, giving a LOUD sonic boom. Anyone within 15 feet must score at least one success on a WP roll vs. a difficulty of 8 (9 if Heightened Senses/Acute Hearing/etc. is in effect) or be stunned and unable to act for one round; on a botch they are stunned vs 3 rounds. Additionally, everyone will have trouble hearing afterwards and any windows/glass within fifty feet or so will be shattered or cracked. Upon a botch of it's activation, the user will suffer a minus -2 on all perception rolls for the remainder of the scene, effectively deaf as the sound spirit 'implodes' instead of the usual 'explosion' of sound waves.
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