Magical Library

No sorcerer or psychic worth their name shuns an opportunity to learn and an extensive library reflects the facts you keep within arm's reach. This private archive would include several rare and mystical books, and also include a host of normal and mundane books that cover a variety of topics from folk lore to new age topics. These resources aren't always books. This background will not affect your XP costs, however serves as a justified resource for learning new paths or increasing knowledge in paths and numina that you possess, as well as a research resource and avenue to learn abilities.
o 1 specific path or numina and 3 abilities. oo 3 specific paths or numina and 5 abilities. ooo 5 specific paths or numina and 7 abilities. oooo 8 specific paths or numina and 10 abilities. ooooo 10 specific paths or numina and 12 abilities.
Freebie Cost
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